What is spirituality?

Shashi Penumarthy
16 min readFeb 20, 2022

On a cool Thursday morning, I set out on my bicycle hoping to go on a longer ride than usual. My body wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to take it easy instead and just go as long as my body said was ok. As soon as I hit Griffith Park Blvd, I felt a little tingle in my left arm, and I knew that my body had essentially exhausted its ability to bicycle. I work out on my bicycle almost every day, so my body tends to require a lot of rest towards the end of a week of riding.

I stopped by a juice bar in Silver Lake, a very nice place I’ve come to love thanks to their frothy fresh orange juice. Instead of using a cold press, they have a centrifugal juicer, which tends to shred bits of orange in a way that makes the juice come out with some effervescence in it. That lends a creamier texture to the juice and makes it a great joy to sip.

I found a nice wooden bench next to the store and settled down to enjoy the brilliant sunshine just as the day was starting to warm up. I had barely taken a sip when a woman stopped by and started speaking to me.

It’s a very strange business, being me. I find that casual hellos lead to long conversations about spirituality. It's true that I’d much rather speak about what I love, spirituality being right at the top, but the vast majority of people assume that means I know something about the Bible, its prophecies or whatever it is that Christianity preaches nowadays in churches around the country. I come entirely from my own experiences — not from reading scripture — so I find myself constantly bringing the conversation back down to Earth from wherever it is people are when they start speaking to me.

I proceeded to tell this woman that I work only on teenage girls, that the boys aren’t a target audience as I am only interested in creative women who can do something about this world of ours. The boys, in general, pester me for something I cannot give them: motherly love. They confuse me for someone who can show them the way, but I am not here for them. I am writing all this only for the girls.

I was talking to her about how a solid spiritual foundation is necessary in order to live a happy, beautiful and sane life. The woman took this to mean that I was referring to Christianity in some fashion and proceeded to share her point of view. She lamented that the teenagers in her class weren’t interested in things like the ‘Holy Spirit’.

“Unless they have some foundation of belief, they cannot go forward”, she said.

It’s women like this that give me something to write about nowadays, because they expose all the ways that society has become corrupted. I don’t work on women like her and don’t waste my energy trying to enlighten them. In fact, I tell them bluntly that they’ve got no chance of making it.

But the statement she made deserves to be addressed, because spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with belief. It isn’t a belief system at all, however much you may believe so.

Spirituality isn’t a belief system.

Even though many human beings pretend to be interested in Christianity, for example, all they’ve ever encountered is an account of someone else’s experience and assumed it to be something beyond their reach. People talk openly about the crucifixion of Jesus, but they don’t speak from real life experience, choosing instead to use the words of the Bible. I don’t accept anything as true unless I’ve experienced it myself, so I find women flailing around trying to convince me about their point of view. When all else fails, they quote scripture, bring highfalutin religious terminology into the conversation and generally try to browbeat the other person into agreement. It’s all very dishonest.

And that’s how most people live nowadays. They seem to think they have all the answers to all of life’s questions and they use scriptural support to give credence to their beliefs, however hairbrained they might be.

How can you possibly expect a teenager to be interested in something they cannot see, touch, smell, taste or hear? Even adults aren’t interested in stuff like ‘The Christ’ — they don’t understand it, for no one can understand something they haven’t experienced.

You cannot understand something you have not experienced. And that goes for The Christ, the Holy Spirit or Jesus’ teachings.

We do not need to share stories about someone else’s life experience at all. We are expected to share our own life’s experiences, putting it in the context of religious terminology if appropriate. Unfortunately, in order for you to be able to share an experience that’s uplifting, you must first have a life! And not just any life, a really spectacular life that’s rich with spirituality. Only then can you share what you’ve seen, felt, experienced, understood, and made sense of. And this is why only an extremely small number of people over the ages have ever been able to share something as exalted as a narrative about the world of the spirit, the nature of the cosmos or things about the way life is made, i.e., its inner workings.

And we all do it from a very specific point of view, not meant for just anyone to appreciate, understand, put into practice and succeed. I am always pointing out the fact that I am only here to write for a specific audience, and there’s a good reason for it. It comes down to grace. If you don’t have the feminine grace, you will not succeed.

Fair warning. Don’t waste your time reading my writings if you aren’t in my target audience. I certainly won’t spend time explaining them to you.

The first thing you must do if you really want to be spiritual, is to admit that you don’t know.

I’ve even gone as far so to state that you must not seek understanding. Understanding is extremely important, but you must not seek such a limited thing. Let it come to you, if it must — as it has in my case — only in a specific way, and about specific aspects of life, not all of it.

I’ve also said that you must ask only for love, but even that wasn’t true in my case, as I didn’t know what to ask for. I simply went along with life, and it showed me all kinds of amazing visions as to how life is put together.

This is the fundamental reality of our existence: if you’re available, you will receive the best. If you’re unavailable, you will have to be put through a lot of preparation in order to become available. Spiritual practice is simply about becoming more and more available. Available to what? Just available, not to ‘what’, ‘who’ or ‘where’. This is why it’s so hard for anyone but the most feminine of all creatures to succeed on the spiritual path. You have to become receptive and that’s a feminine thing.

I’ve been through many, many spiritual experiences, far more than I can count as I sit here writing this article. Along with these experiences came wisdom, words to express my understanding of life, and so much happiness that I cannot possibly condense it all into words, even if I spent my whole life writing. That is why it is important to spend time with me if you want to receive something more than wisdom, viz. love.

And when you’re filled up with love, you will experience something new, something you’ve never experienced before: ecstasy.

Ultimately, this is all that we’re interested in. Ecstasy is that state where life itself exists, constantly. Ecstasy is a state where love meets life. That’s what all spirituality is about, not some strange understanding of what Jesus did. Ecstasy must become an experience in your life, non-stop. And when it does, you’ll see life in a whole different manner.

Do not confuse ecstasy with some drug-induced state, sex pleasure or something else you may have encountered in books, movies or online. There’s a lot of confusion about these things in the world, where people are trying various means to achieve a ‘high’ in hopes of encountering the beyond. What you will encounter when you do such stupid things is come in touch with a world you cannot understand, appreciate or even experience without becoming deranged in some fashion. This is why I discourage women from using substances of any sort that can create instability, even caffeine.

Do not try to get ‘high’ in hopes of having a spiritual experience. You will go nuts, even if it’s subtle.

Once you’ve experienced ecstasy by allowing yourself to become receptive to life’s blessings, life will never be the same for you, or for anyone else around you, as you will share freely as much as possible, in the right way. This is how I am. That’s the end goal of all spiritual endeavor.

So, if spirituality is not a belief system, what is it? At its very foundations, spirituality is an honest exploration of what life is and isn’t.

Spirituality, fundamentally, is an honest exploration of what life is, and isn’t.

Most people confuse spirituality with something that you ‘have to do’. That is to say, it’s a requirement, like an exam you have to pass in order to get to heaven, for example. It isn’t.

Nor is spirituality a way out of suffering, as the Buddha stated in His time. Suffering, a common experience for almost everyone on this planet (except me and others like me) isn’t an issue for my girls. We’ll get through to your suffering and get it out in no time. It’s really not a big deal.

Only when you’re past the pain and suffering in your own life, will you be able to go explore the nature of the cosmos — go on a hike, so to speak — and discover things that no one else can because you’re utterly unique. And as a woman, you’ll find things that only other women can really make sense of, appreciate, love and put into practice. This is a solid contribution that you can make to the world and move womankind forward, by leaps and bounds.

How? When women understand life from their own point of view, they will reshape this world to their liking and not the way that the people on this Earth have done so far. And all of us are waiting for the women to reshape this planet to their liking, because you’re supposed to be better than the rest of us. It’s true in school too, haven’t you seen? It’s time that you take control of the way that civilization is moving forward and not be a backseat driver, hoping that someone’s listening. You need to stop yelling and screaming at the driver. Instead, sit next to him and give him directions.

You need to become a navigator. And you’re made to do exactly that.

Spirituality, in other words, is a way for you to discover just how far you can take this mechanism you’re calling ‘the woman’, understand life from a very different perspective than anyone else and then use that unique perspective to reshape our world. How far you want to go is up to you and no one else. No one’s going to tell you when you should turn back, although if I am your guide — and there isn’t anyone else interested — I’ll tell you when you’re finished. I do this every day to women around Los Angeles. I give them a bit and I know when they’re overwhelmed, at which point I leave, never to see them again. It may take them a lifetime to come to terms with how much I’ve shared with them in a single instant. Sometimes all I do is make eye contact!

Walking the spiritual path is like walking down a trail that you haven’t ever walked before. You’re not going to walk alone, but it’s not easy. It’s as if your guide is always there, but you still have to experience your own adventure. Your guide can always talk to you about the way you’re walking, giving you tips and help, but you’ll have to put it all into practice without question, sometimes without even understanding why your guide is telling you to do something.

Once on the spiritual path, you’ll see things in ways no one else can, understand them in ways no one else has and create narratives utterly unique — so unique almost no one might understand you in the beginning. As you progress down the path, you will be transformed in ways the world isn’t always interested in seeing anyone be transformed. And at the end of it all, you’ll be like no one else. You’ll become truly yourself, 100% unique and find what almost everyone is interested in finding but few do: the meaning of life.

Who is this path for? Only for those who want the best, the highest and most exalted: the power of love. And if you do want it, know that it will wield you, not the other way round.

In my case, I simply found myself in its grasp. I didn’t go looking for it, nor did I want to find it. It found me. And here we are.

You must be fundamentally honest when it comes to the spiritual path, which is why its discouraged for the vast majority of human beings on the planet. I am not kidding. Do not get into spirituality because you’re ‘curious’, for once you start, there’s no stopping until you’re done, and most people do not have the strength, willingness, commitment or energy to carry on as life shows them just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

And because the vast majority of human beings don’t have what it takes, they don’t want anything to do with spirituality.

They go to church or pick up a book because they’re troubled, and they want to be comforted, to be given a bullshit story that says that all their suffering has some purpose to it. It doesn’t. Your suffering is entirely meaningless and without any merit. Once you’re past it, you’ll wonder — if only for a second — why the hell you wasted so much time suffering, and then move on.

Some women believe they must believe in Jesus in order to get to heaven. Others are insistent that they evangelize so that others may be ‘saved’. These are all just idiotic notions of what spirituality is all about — childish nonsense, to be frank.

There isn’t any need for you to go all the way to church in order to be happy. If you’re normal, an ice cream will take care of it.

And for most human beings, that’s enough, even if it means their happiness only lasts for a moment between periods of anxiety, depression, despair, loneliness and suffering. They do not wish to find anything more. They’ve given up on finding anything valuable in this lifetime, which is why I don’t speak to older women, or women that have no vitality, femininity or anything resembling courage. They’re simply fooling themselves into thinking they’ll be rescued, but they will not be rescued, and they know it, which is why anxiety is at an all-time high. Everyone’s aware that they’ve basically spent their lives comforting themselves in the hope that a rescue will happen at some point, because Jesus said so.

Actually, He said nothing of the sort. Not to me, anyway. He’s been very clear with me — there’s no rescue. While He’s certainly available to those who want to follow Him, He’s not carrying anyone anymore. We are supposed to help each other, not look to someone higher in order to carry us.

So why are there all these beliefs? Because people refuse to acknowledge that the world has changed. In Jesus’ time, people needed things they no longer need today — food and shelter were simply not as easy to find. In Buddha’s time, people weren’t able to work on themselves and get past their suffering, so He provided a way for them. Many saints and yogis have come and shared with humanity what to do, depending on the need of the hour. Their injunctions, prescriptions, warnings and practical advice were meant for a whole different time and for a whole different kind of person. You cannot simply apply them to your life and hope to get somewhere. This is why we come down repeatedly, live through the life we do and give you a way forward based on how things are at the moment.

Does that mean that Jesus, for example, is no longer relevant? Of course not. You’re welcome to call up on Him for guidance and you will be guided, but do not expect to be put through a lifestyle that people lived in Jesus’ time, for example. He’ll put you through the wringer in the world of today, using methods you may not even find acceptable. This is why, for most people, following a living person is the only way to happiness. It’s extremely hard to surrender to something you cannot even perceive to be in the world you know.

Jesus’ way is total surrender — give in, take the pain and power through it, because love is limitless and can empower you limitlessly. And if you have grace, you can really go places.

But there’s another thing that love can do — fuel creativity.

If you want life to be really beautiful, not just for yourself but also for future generations, you must create it to be so.

True creativity can change the world for the better, fundamentally altering the way people experience life, making everyone smile, laugh and love each other. Not just for a moment, but for a long time.

But to be really creative takes enormous amounts of energy. You’ll be surprised as to just how much energy you’ll consume when you’re being really creative. Since what fuels creativity is love, only the most spiritually attuned women are able to receive it in sufficient amounts to be able to create something beautiful, sustainable and sweet, while the rest of humanity nourishes themselves using the fruits of their labor.

Creating a beautiful world — that’s what spirituality is about today, not some free handout you find on the streets of Los Angeles, not a banner proclaiming that you must believe in Jesus or go to hell, and certainly not some belief you must have in a higher power. It isn’t about you being saved — because you’re not in danger in the first place — nor is it a promise of some future life where everything is alright.

And I am very happy that you, my girls, aren’t willing to believe in bullshit. You know better because you’re smarter. And that’s how it's always been — the younger generation has always been smarter than the older generation, not by a little bit, but by a lot. I know you refuse to believe in the nonsense that everyone else has decided is the way forward, including the stupid narrative that hard work is rewarded. You can see clearly what is going in the world and you know that whatever is being propagated as the ‘best’, isn’t. But you’re also confused. And that’s where I come in.

I am here to help, but only if you’re serious: serious enough to bring your mother into the situation (if you’re a minor), follow the rules of the world and make it an integral part of your life. I am not here to help you break the rules. Smoking weed and talking about life, for example, isn’t kosher.

Do you know what I did today? I filed my taxes.

I follow traffic signals as best as possible — on a bicycle it’s impossible sometimes as the traffic is really bad. I don’t ask for handouts from anyone. I don’t even request a discount. I live a quiet life, away from all dangerous situations, pay attention to my well-being and do my work silently. If this is the way you want to live, you’re a candidate.

True spirituality isn’t easy, simply put. It’s actually for the bravest individuals, the ones that don’t mind dying along the way. Which is why almost no one goes through with it, choosing instead to just listen to some nice talks about love and then going back to doing whatever they’ve always done. Most people want to hear an exalted narrative, go home and hope that someone else will take them through the spiritual path without them having to suffer any sort of risk. They want to be carried, like babies, because they are in fact, babies. Most people refuse to grow up.

Spirituality isn’t child’s play. It’s extremely dangerous for those who wish to go all the way and that is why a guide is important. So important that you’ll never be allowed to go it alone.

But if you want to go only part of the way, you’ll still benefit. You’ll find a modicum of peace and joy, happiness more than the normal person on the street has and perhaps a better understanding of why your life is the way it is. At least intellectually you may be at peace. This is what a lot of people are after, trying things like meditation, for example. But these are all possible by just reading my blog. Don’t waste my life coming to me if all you want is a way out of the suffering you’re experiencing in your own mind. All I will do is point you towards the ultimate, not give you a pain pill to make you feel better.

Come to me if you’re interested in becoming the woman you’ve always dreamed of.

The path I have walked is the path of love, and only the most feminine of all women will succeed. You must be a female blessed with an exceptional level of grace that can power you through the most demanding obstacles. It’s your grace that will carry out the work, not the individual that you believe you’ve become. If you don’t have all the qualities I am describing, fear not — most of them will come to you as you go along, not on day one. You must take the first step, then another and another and you’ll find that all the necessary qualities — even fearlessness — will simply come to you without you asking for it.

The most common story I’ve heard from women world-wide is one that says that they are a victim of life. It’s as if everyone else is out to get to them and they’re succeeding. This is far from the truth. You create your own life experience, and you live it. And if you don’t want the life you have, well, change it, but not by fiddling around with what’s already been created.

If love is the fuel, grace is the engine that does the work. Love without grace is like the desert and that’s ok. That’s how life was before anything was created. Only when grace came into being and started dancing did the planet come into existence, only then did the flowers bloom and only then did women actually become women! Without grace, women would essentially end up looking, feeling and being like men, which is actually what’s going on around the planet. More and more, women are becoming masculine. And in due time, if women don’t awaken, there won’t be much femininity left in them at all.

Instead of pretending that you are a victim of life, use your intelligence to make it a beautiful experience. If you do not, you will have demolished womanhood and essentially squandered the most beautiful gift that has ever been given to all of us.


